Welcome To The Russell-Zuhl Blog | Introducing Our New Collection

Ralph Thompson is a world-renowned artist and sculptor who is particularly known for his exquisite works of petrified wood art. His website www.russellzuhl.com, showcases some of the most beautiful and intricate pieces of petrified wood art in the world.

Petrified wood is a type of fossilized wood that has been transformed into stone through the process of per mineralization. This process occurs over millions of years, as wood is buried under sediment and minerals slowly replace the organic material. The end result is a unique and beautiful material that preserves the original structure and texture of the wood, while giving it a new, stone-like appearance.

Russell-Zuhl has a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of petrified wood, and his works showcase the incredible range and versatility of this unique material. His pieces range from small, delicate sculptures to large-scale installations that stretch over dozens of feet. He has a keen eye for color, texture, and form, and uses these elements to create works that are both visually stunning and emotionally evocative.

One of the things that makes Russell-Zuhl’s petrified wood art so special is his attention to detail. Every piece is carefully crafted to bring out the unique qualities of the wood, from the intricate patterns of the grain to the subtle shifts in color and texture. He also combines petrified wood with other materials, such as metals and minerals, to create works that are truly one-of-a-kind.

In addition to his petrified wood art, Russell-Zuhl is also a passionate educator and advocate for the natural world. His website is a valuable resource for learning about petrified wood and other natural materials, and he is always eager to share his knowledge and experience with others. Whether you are an artist, collector, or simply a lover of nature, his website is an excellent place to discover the beauty and power of petrified wood.

Overall, www.russellzuhl.com is a fascinating and inspiring website that showcases the incredible talent and creativity of one of the world’s most accomplished artists. If you are interested in petrified wood art, or simply want to learn more about this fascinating material, be sure to check out Russell-Zuhl’s website and discover the beauty and magic of petrified wood for yourself.


Rare Native Jasper – Quite Unique

Size : 40" X 58" - $14,000.00
Size : 38” X 64” - $16,000.00
Size : 25" X 47" - $10,500.00
Size : 38” X 40” - $14,000.00