Discover Petrified Wood
To answer this question we need to travel back in time millions of years when the earth was populated with roaming dinosaurs, volcanic mountains and lush green forests.
When a tree fell in those forests most decomposed but some, due to a miraculous natural phenomenon known as permineralization, are still here today. These pieces of preserved prehistoric tree are known as petrified wood (araucarioxylon).

The Russell-Zuhl Process
An integral part of our petrified wood’s beauty is its smooth, mirror-like finish. This finish is of a flawless standard, superior to any other petrified wood specimens in the world. It is the result of our intricate polishing process which has been perfected following years of expertise.
The polishing of our petrified wood is carried out by our team member Terry Monahan, who polishes each piece until it meets his exacting standards. Terry is a perfectionist and considers his polishing work to be his signature. The specimens do not leave his care until he is satisfied, which could take hours or even days. There are no shortcuts: time, love and care is given precedence over hurrying.
The polishing is complete when the surface is completely smooth and mirror-like, causing light to bounce off it directly instead of being dispersed. The end result is not only stunning but durable – the petrified wood surface is so strong it cannot be scratched and is easily kept clean with glass cleaner.
Our petrified wood polishing is a precise process that involves six stages, each stage more intricate than the last. It cannot be rushed and no step can be skipped. The grinding process involves a series of Carborandum grits. The extreme polish is achieved by hours of buffing using cerium oxide.
Terry has devoted his life to being the best polisher of petrified wood in the world. The time, care and love he has shown each piece is reflected in their striking beauty. Each petrified wood specimen in our storeroom has been polished to perfection.

One of the most fascinating features of petrified wood is the range of colors it can possess. As each piece of petrified wood is entirely unique, so is its color combination. Some pieces may only have the native colors of the wood while others could have splendid bursts of blue, green or pink.
When choosing petrified wood for your home, color is one of the most significant considerations. Such a statement piece must compliment the tones in the room. Another option is to be led by the petrified wood, building your room’s color palette around it. Whatever you decide, the magnificent one of a kind piece is sure to be a focal point.
What determines the distinct colors that characterize each unique piece of petrified wood? It is all dependent on the minerals which have infiltrated it. When a tree dies, minerals from ground water, lakes or oceans seep into the pores of organic tissue and leave deposits in the wood, slowly creating crystals within it. This process continues over the course of millions of years until the central cavity of the cell is completely filled and all the organic materials have been replaced by minerals, turning the wood into stone. This process is referred to as petrification, referencing the Latin word “petro” which means “rock” or “stone.”
The result is a one-of-a-kind geological masterpiece, each one featuring a set of colors and patterns never to be replicated.
The colors of the petrified wood reflect the minerals present in the surrounding soil or water that petrify it. Below, we’ve detailed some of examples of mineral deposits and the colors they produce:

Red: Iron (hematite).
Orange: Iron (ferric oxy-hydroxides).
Yellow: Iron (ferric oxysalts, Uranium Minerals (e.g. carnotite).
Green: Ferrous iron (e.g. chlorite), Malachite, Chromium-mica, Uranium Minerals (e.g. torbernite), Nickel (e.g. garnierite).

Blue: Light scattering from voids and inclusions, Copper (e.g. azurite), Cobalt salts.
Purple/Violet: Manganese (e.g. purpurite), Ferric iron (as in amethyst).
Brown: Iron (mixed ferric iron-bearing minerals).

Blue: Light scattering from voids and inclusions, Copper (e.g. azurite), Cobalt salts.
Purple/Violet: Manganese (e.g. purpurite), Ferric iron (as in amethyst).
Brown: Iron (mixed ferric iron-bearing minerals).

When choosing a specimen for your home, our petrified wood expert Ralph Thompson says you should be led by one thing only: passion.
“When guests visit our showroom I always advise them to find the piece they are passionate about. I say, take your time, look at each specimen and find the one that is just right for you. When you see it, you’ll know.”
The World’s 31 Most Beautiful Petrified Forests
by Ulrich Dernbach

An essential book for those who are fascinated by petrified wood, Petrified Forests: The World’s 31 Most Beautiful Petrified Forests is a comprehensive exploration of the prehistoric geological wonder.
The book is difficult to find and even more difficult to find new. But we have a select number to sell.
We recommend you act fast to snap up a copy.
“Lots of very good photos with information to accompany it. I minored in botany and paleontology in college, but there was still new information for me in this book. Dernbach’s fascination with petrified wood shows through, and most of the pictures apparently came out of his own collecting trips.”
“Wonderful, interesting book.”
Ulrich Dernbach takes readers into the most dazzling petrified wood forests in the world, both those which are well known and those few have ever seen.
The book is a thorough investigation, detailing petrified wood locations, scientific analysis and fascinating anecdotes.
It brings together those who share a passion for nature’s most precious gift.
The book features more than 300 color photographs showcasing the spectacular specimens Dernbach encountered.
Respected palaeobotanists from around the world contributed to the book, drawing from their years of experience in the specialised field.
Petrified Forests: The World’s 31 Most Beautiful Petrified Forests is an excellent reading companion for those who are passionate about petrified wood. It is also an ideal gift and coffee table book.
A treasure trove of information and striking images, it can be delved into again and again.
This wonderful book is a must have for anyone who has a fascination with petrified wood.
Contact us now to arrange purchase and delivery
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