Marvelous bouquet of colors

Size: 22” X 71” – $16,000.00

Age: 220 million years
Year of excavation: 2015
Ranch: Dobell
Shape: Board

Specie: Pine / Araucarioxylon

Description: Countertop – Wall mount display – Table – Home Décor – Furniture – Hallway table – Decorator piece

This extinct pine specimen is a visual delight, boasting a marvelous bouquet of colors rarely seen so vividly in a single sample. The outstanding quality of this 220-million-year-old fossilized needs to be seen to believed.

The sheer vibrancy and diversity of colors and patterns present in this elongated board are nothing short of breathtaking. As one of our most unusual specimens, it is sure to captivate even the most discerning petrified wood collectors.

Unearthed in 2015, this petrified Arizonian pine hails from Dobel Ranch in Arizona. One can only imagine the excitement that ensued when this 220-million-year-old pine was first sliced open, revealing the extensive spectrum of colors and exquisite patterns that had remained locked away for millennia.

The mesmerizing colors and patterns found on this board evoke the work of an abstract artist’s masterful hand. The board is framed by the familiar burgundy reds often seen in Arizonian petrified wood specimens, which encircle a central river of flowing color. Embarking on a journey along the length of this board is a delightful experience, with vibrant waves of golden hues, creamy tones, and gentle opal whites elegantly traversing the specimen. Most captivating of all are the unconventional, intricate carbon black patterns that punctuate the board, introducing both visual delight and an air of mystery.

Measuring a modest 22” x 71”, it is ideally suited to be a statement home décor piece, whether that be a wall mounted or repurposed into a large conference table, ultimately adding a touch of excitement into any luxurious room or office space. Regardless of the chosen method of display, it promises to bring joy as you delve and explore the hidden history encapsulated within this once-mighty pine.

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